Website Design Statistics

Jan 10, 2023 1:39:37 AM | Website Development Website Design Statistics 2024


Are you looking to give your website a much-needed facelift this new year? Before you begin, are you aware of the latest trends and design features that are popular in the web design sphere?

Advancements in technology have drastically changed the way we interact with websites. Responsive design, custom fonts, and vibrant hues have captured the attention of internet users like never before. With constant changes in user preferences and browser compatibilities, website design is constantly evolving.

To keep up with the changing times, it is essential for businesses to stay abreast of current website design trends. To help you out here's an insightful compilation of some amazing website design statistics.

Website development

Website development is a catch-all term for the work that goes into building a website. This includes everything from markup and coding to scripting, network configuration, and CMS development.


General Statistics on Web Design and Use


1. There are nearly 2 billion websites in the world

According to the most recent data, there are now 1.87 billion active websites online. An incredible 85% of those are not active. It was in 2014 that the number of websites first exceeded 1 billion.


2. 75% of website credibility comes from design

A well-crafted website is essential for giving your customers the impression that your business is trustworthy and not involved in any scams. Poorly designed websites will likely not garner trust, or motivate people to engage.

Without investing in website design and development, you could have difficulty building the trust needed to engage an audience or make sales.


3. 89% of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor user experience

Making a positive first impression is essential, but the usability of your website is just as important. If a website looks attractive but is difficult to use, it won't be successful.

Poor user experience leads to a high bounce rate if people can't find what they're looking for quickly.

When building your website, emphasize factors that will enhance the user experience. This could include structuring a clear navigation system, adding visuals to break up blocks of text, and optimizing loading speeds.

Using all these elements can make your website more user-friendly.


4. 74% of users are more likely to return to mobile-friendly websites

If you want people to return to your website, it should be optimized for mobile devices, as 74% of people are more likely to do so.

To achieve a higher ranking in Google searches, you need to design your website with mobile users in mind. Mobile-friendliness is an important factor taken into account for rankings, so having a mobile-friendly design is essential for obtaining top spots in the search results.

For a mobile-friendly website, incorporating a responsive design is essential. This ensures that the site automatically optimizes for any device a user may use. Additionally, adding clickable call-to-action (CTA) buttons and hamburger menus can create a more comfortable navigation experience.

Explore Inbound Marketing Statistics


5. 73% of companies invest in design to help their brand stand out from competitors

Companies understand the importance of designing products and websites to stand out amongst the competition, with at least 73% investing in design. It's essential to individualize your website when contending against many other companies online.

This statistic is key to successful business websites. Choosing a website template over a custom-built website means blending in with the competition. This reduces your chances of capturing leads, which will go to competitors that have more unique websites.

Having a unique design for your website can help your brand stand out from the competition.

To ensure that your business has a distinct look, you should create a brand style guide. Additionally, you can collaborate with an experienced web design firm to construct a custom website.


Website design statistics for optimizing your website

Creating a visually appealing website is just the beginning. To ensure success, you must also optimize the site to run smoothly and engage your audience.

Let's explore a few website statistics to understand how to optimize your website for maximum impact.


1. Users spend 88% more time on pages with videos

When building and optimizing your website, it's important to incorporate videos. Webpages with videos usually command more attention and engage visitors longer - a double benefit that makes your site visually appealing and user-friendly.

Examine the content on your website to determine if a video can be used to explain it more clearly.

Videos should be used sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience. However, creating videos for complicated topics and lengthy information will help boost engagement and create a more enjoyable user experience.


2. 34% of consumers are more likely to make an unplanned purchase after receiving personalized content

When analyzing website design marketing, you must consider both the visuals and information on a website to be successful. The content of a website is just as crucial as its design.

Crafting engaging content geared toward your target audience can help create a positive first impression and influence their decision to buy. Quality content gives you the best chance of increasing conversions for your business.

These digital marketing insights demonstrate the importance of having good, customized content on your website. Such content will draw in leads and help increase sales.


3. 83% of people expect a website to load in 3 seconds or less

Poor page loading speeds are a major factor that can stop people from returning to visit your site. Studies show that 83% of visitors expect a website to load in three seconds or less, so investing in improving your site's speed is essential.

Bear in mind that people typically spend 37 seconds on an article. If readers don't spend much time on your article, they're unlikely to wait for a slow-loading website.

When you design your website, speed should be a priority. Give people access to information quickly so they can have a better experience while using your site. Provide them the opportunity to understand content at a faster rate.


Responsive Web Design Statistics 2023

  • According to 73% of web designers, the main reason why visitors leave a website is due to a non-responsive design.
  • 53% of web designers stated that the main reason for redesigning a website is non-responsiveness.
  • Up to 94% of website visitors judge a website based on responsive web design
  • Google prioritizes websites with a responsive web design
  • Almost 60% of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices


Web Design Industry Statistics 2023


1. Over 380 new websites are created every minute.

As far as how many websites are made each day, the rough estimate is 547,200. The number corresponds to about 380 sites made per minute, based on web development statistics. While the number may vary, approximately half a million new sites are generated daily. Let's take a step back and put this into context–in 1991 there was only one website!


2. WordPress accounts for 42.2% of all websites.

Content management systems streamline the creation and management of content on websites. Web design information shows that WordPress is the most popular CMS. With its basis in PHP and MySQL, a substantial 42.2% of all websites run it.


3. 61.8% of websites are in English.

Even though it's uncertain what lies ahead for web design and development, one thing is certain - English is the primary language used on the Internet, with over half of websites choosing it. Other common options are Russian (7.7%), Turkish (3.8%), Spanish (3.8%), and Persian (3.4%).



Tumisang Bogwasi

Written By: Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang is a 2X award-winning entrepreneur and CEO of Fine Media, excels in driving business growth through expert inbound marketing strategies. Outside the office, he sharpens his competitive edge on the squash courts.